Monday, February 18, 2008


The Oscar nominations for 2008 have got a new face, Juno.

She is a spunky kid who, after one night with her on again/ off again boyfriend Bleeker, played by the amazing Michael Cera, becomes pregnant. She's sixteen years old. Juno decides to give the baby up for adoption. What follows next is the most tender and poignant movie of 2008.

Ellen Page has gotten a lot of press this past year for her portrayal of Juno and she deserves it. The 21 year old from Halifax carries the film with authority.

Juno could have easily turned into just another film about the complications of teen pregnancy, however its the supporting cast that make this film a true gem.

JK Simmons plays Juno's father, Mac Mcgruff. A rough-around- the -edges HVAC Technician, but given Simmons genius at comedy, he keeps this role from straying too far into caricture mode, but upon hearing the news that Juno is pregnant, his response is,

"I'm going to punch that Bleeker kid in the weiner next time I see him."

It's this simple dialogue throughout the film that produces the most heartfelt moments.

The adoptive parents, Mark and Vanessa Loring played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner are at first, the stereotypical "yuppies" but wait, look underneath and see that there's something more.

That's what makes this film really work. Instead of finger pointing at Juno and her pregnancy, the film focuses on everyone's flaws and mistakes and comes up with something special. The audience can't walk away from the film not liking anyone. The lessons are tough, but love can go a long way in getting through any problem.

My only concern was some of Juno's dialogue was trying to be too "cool" or "hip". Maybe I'm getting old and don't get it, but that was my only fault with the film.

a very beautiful film!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great review!

I too thought this movie had a lot going for it - I expected a lot from it considering the hype and it lived up to it. I liked the dialogue but at times it was a bit over the top - you're right. Loved the dad and the step-Mom and just think that Michael Cera can do no wrong - that kid is a comic genius. I am looking forward though to him playing a non-George Michael-like character.

Ellen Page is wonderful - again, looking forward to many more star-making turns from her. Let's hope she doesn't go the way of other promising young ingenues toward the Hollywood degradation of special talent.

And loved seeing this with you. Love, MB xoxoxoxo